2025 has started with such a cool vibe. I don’t want to make the same mistake as in 2020 by declaring, “It’s my year,” so I’m sticking with “cool vibe.”

We had our mid-year break, which meant no scheduled cricket training for about three weeks. A break is good for everyone… right? What I wasn’t expecting was my longing for structure.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m pretty easygoing—happy to go with the flow and usually accepting of plans changing. BUT… I surprised myself when I found it hard to wind down after the first half of the season ended. No scheduled training sessions, no meetings, interviews, gym sessions, or running sessions—none of that. Just left to my own devices, like a gosling lost in the pond.

Once I finally switched off, the downtime was great—a recharge filled with reading, swimming, beachin’, and adventuring.

THEN BAM!! The dreaded “getting back into it” phase hit. The typical “Happy New Year, let’s get to it” energy kicked in. Motivation was low, and the desire to get myself out for a run or back into the gym was dwindling. My mind was popping off, trying to convince me that this was how the year would go.

"Win January, win the year." I read that somewhere… Oh no… Have I already lost the year?

It forced me into a moment of deep reflection, a hard look in the mirror. What I found in my reflection was reassurance and motivation. I realized that while my burning desire for self-improvement wasn’t at an all-time high, my trust in myself hadn’t budged. And in that moment, the spark started to return.

I reminded myself that I could rely on me—that I didn’t need to stress about not hitting the gym six times a week, counting every calorie, or running as much as I’d like. I wish I could say something cool like, “That’s when I laced up my shoes and hit a 10km PR,” but honestly? I have no idea what happened after that moment. I can’t really remember.

The point is: dedication, motivation, the grind—all those die-hard terms tend to fade sometimes. But that doesn’t change the relationship I have with myself.

I looked in the mirror and felt motivated because I trust myself. I trust myself to get back on the horse. To wake up and go to the gym, go for a run, or eat healthy food. Tick the boxes, as I like to say. That trust fuels motivation. Motivation leads to discipline. And discipline leads to consistency.

I know 2025 is going to be a good year. I fully intend to make it that way. We are in control of our minds and what we choose to draw inspiration from.

My wish for you? Choose to consume good content, good food, good thoughts, amazing conversations, and incredible vibes.

Oh, and this blog? This is my space to share an inside look at my week—from training to journaling, moments of reflection, or just some really cool inspo. Stick around and find out!

Until next week!

I want to see you win.
